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IMSC Rapid Mailer - Affiliate Information

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IMSC Rapid Mailer information

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Sean Donahoe

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
IMSC Rapid Mailer - Single Site Version 04/08/2014 1,000+ 4.60% $0.99 $21.51 50% 9.85%
IMSC Rapid Mailer 04/08/2014 4,000+ 3.75% $1.64 $43.71 50% 7.98%
IMSC Rapid Mailer - Discounted Special 04/08/2014 <10 4.07% $1.51 $37.00 50% 14.29%
IMSC Rapid Mailer - List Building Power Pack 04/08/2014 1,500+ 21.73% $10.21 $47.00 50% 6.37%
IMSC Rapid Mailer - Pro Version Only 04/08/2014 500+ 19.74% $5.33 $27.00 50% 7.42%
IMSC Rapid Mailer - Fast Track Training 04/08/2014 100+ 5.86% $2.75 $47.00 50% 6.55%
IMSC Rapid Mailer - Advanced Training 04/08/2014 250+ 2.06% $2.00 $97.00 50% 14.48%
IMSC Rapid Mailer - Six Figure Bootcamp 04/08/2014 10+ 2.14% $6.35 $297.00 50% 16.67%
IMSC Rapid Mailer - Six Figure Bootcamp Payment Plan 04/08/2014 50+ 11.04% $10.30 $93.31 50% 5.77%